Finding a Job Candidate and Dating Have Never Been More Similar

Most, if not all, of us have had two similar and equally stressful experiences, often at the same time: dating and looking for a job candidate!  Have you ever stopped to consider the similarities between the two?

Both involve meeting new people, trying to make a good first impression and deciding if it is a fit that makes sense long-term.  Consider the following…

Who Do You Know?

When looking for a date, friends are more than willing to introduce you to people they know. Looking for a candidate? Nearly 80% of hiring managers report that referrals are an effective recruitment tool for their business.

Referrals are also one of the most-used recruiting tools with only 9% of respondents reporting they don’t use referrals in their recruitment mix. Ask your friends, industry circle of peers, and don’t forget to ask your best employees. They may know great talent that would be a perfect fit for your job opening.

Make An Impression

When you ask someone on a date, you want to make them feel special. It’s all about first impressions. It doesn’t hurt to dress appropriately, pay for the date, and be respectful. In order for your company to attract top talent, it is important to impress the candidate by being competitive with your job offer.

The salary should match or exceed those offered by other businesses that operate in your industry. Before setting a salary range for any role, you should research the average rate of pay offered by your competitors for a similar position.

You can do this by consulting job websites and job listings, or review data on the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Partner with PrideStaff and we can assist in your candidate search and ensure you are offering competitive pay rates with our Compensation Portal.

Create Chemistry

Interviewing is a lot like dating. When two people agree to go to dinner or watch a movie with each other, it is generally because they have something in common, find each other interesting and would like to spend time getting to know each other.

When interviewing candidates, interviewers are looking for the same things. Employers don’t want to hire just anyone; they want to hire candidates who can do the job and connect with others in the workplace.

Therefore, it is simply not enough for job seekers to highlight their skills, knowledge, and experience. In a talent-short market, interviewers must be able to create chemistry and connect with the candidate during the interview process.

Be Real

It’s just as important to establish relationships built on sincerity and reasonable expectations up-front. These are the relationships that are going to last. Hiring managers shouldn’t lead the job description with all the negatives of the position but do need to be honest with the candidate about the duties and requirements. If employers aren’t transparent in the hiring process, there will certainly be a bump in the road to “happily ever after.”

Tired of struggling to find top talent?

Let PrideStaff help you find your top talent. With offices nationwide, we help fulfill a wide range of temporary, temp-to-hire, direct hire positions. Learn more about PrideStaff’s On Target fulfillment process today or Contact the PrideStaff office in your area to find out more about the top talent available in your area.

Source: CareerBuilderÂ