Graduating? Don’t wait any longer to get started with your job search!

A job search is a daunting task to even the most seasoned career veteran.

If you’re a recent (or soon-to-be) graduate, the endeavor can seem even more intimidating.  Stiff competition for jobs, coupled with a lack of professional work experience, may make it seem as though the deck is stacked against you.

Now is not the time to feel defeated, though.  It’s time to develop your plan of attack!  With some careful planning, lots of hard work (okay, and maybe just a bit of luck), you can find ways to shine in potential employers’ eyes.

Today, PrideStaff offers a few proactive job search tips especially for first-time job seekers:

Turn your lack of experience into a positive.  You’re recently out of school – but that’s not a strike against you.  Recent grads are up-to-date on the latest technology and can bring fresh perspectives to organizational challenges. 

So don’t sell yourself short.  Translate class projects, internships, community work and summer jobs into real business benefits for a potential employer.  Though you may not have acquired skills in the real world yet, it doesn’t mean you haven’t developed the leadership, technical, project and problem-solving skills that are critical in today’s entry level positions.

Enhance your web presence.  Social media is becoming an increasingly important hiring tool for HR and hiring managers.  Now is the time to market yourself online as a talented professional:

  • Clean up social media profiles.  You don’t have to remove every personal photo, but you should organize lists and manage your privacy settings to ensure potential employers only see appropriate content.
  • Share and post relevant content.  Use your Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts to position yourself as a savvy job seeker who stays current on your industry’s trends, news and research.
  • Start a blog.  If you’re a talented writer, start a blog to showcase your abilities and talk about your professional and personal interests.
  • Make your resume shareable.  Online resumes are an ideal way to demonstrate your technical prowess.  Include LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter buttons to make your resume easy to share.

Make networking a regular activity.  Even though you’re young, your network is probably larger than you think.  Make a list of friends, relatives, teachers, mentors, former bosses, etc. and get in touch to let them know you’re looking for a job.  Ask for introductions, job leads or any other ideas they may have to aid your job search efforts.

Next, conduct online research to create a list of associations, career fairs or other groups/events relevant to your industry, career goals and demographic.  Then, force yourself outside your comfort zone a bit and start attending events and meet-ups.  Though you may not be offered a job on the spot, you will start building the connections that will help your search gain momentum.

Perhaps most importantly, tap into your alumni network.  Fellow alumni can give advice, make introductions, help you build new relationships and broaden your reach.

Register with an employment agency.  If you’re just starting out in your professional career, working with PrideStaff can jump start your efforts.  By working as a temporary employee, you can:

  • Earn valuable income while you’re on the job hunt.
  • Build your rĂ©sumĂ© and develop new skills.
  • Rapidly expand your professional network.
  • Find direct employment.  If you prove yourself on the job, your temporary position may convert to a direct opportunity.  Additionally, while you’re on assignment, PrideStaff can actively search for direct positions that match your skills, experience and interests.

What can we do for you?  Contact your local PrideStaff office today.