Set Your Career Goals Today

“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.”

–Lewis Carroll, English author

To succeed in your career – whether you work in accounting, IT, management or production – you must continually plot a course for your professional advancement. 

So what do you want to accomplish this year?  Getting a raise? Earning a promotion? Learning a new job skill?  Starting over in a different line of work? Use these tips from PrideStaff to create a roadmap for your career success in 2013:

  • Don’t hold yourself back.  Often, your thoughts and beliefs can be career-limiting factors.  As you set goals, be careful not to tell yourself things like “I’m not clever enough,” “I don’t have what it takes,” or “I can’t perform as well as others.”  These are thoughts – not facts! But if you believe them, they will keep you from pushing yourself as you set your annual goals. So instead of thinking about what you can’t do, focus on what you can.
  • Assess your strengths and weaknesses.  Take a personal inventory of what you’re best at and what you struggle with when it comes to your career.  Consider setting goals that will help you play up your natural strengths and overcome your weaker areas.
  • Clearly define your long-term career goal.  Take the time to establish an overarching career goal that aligns with your values (i.e., what is important to you in your career/working life).  Ask for input from trusted friends or colleagues to get the long-term perspective you need. If you’re not sure what career goals you want to set, consider the following questions:

o    What would my ideal career look like? 

o    What sort of career will make me happy and challenge me in a positive way?

o    What careers are best suited to my skills and natural strengths?

o    What am I most interested in?

  • Establish short-term goals that support your long-term objective.  Take your primary career goal and break it down into the steps that will get you there.  Use these steps to create short-term goals you will accomplish throughout the year. Though you may not be able to achieve your ultimate career objective within the next 12 months, short-term goals will keep you on track and focus your efforts.
  • Make your short-term goals S.M.A.R.T.  This goal-setting acronym is effective for one simple reason:  Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound goals are more likely to be achieved!  These goals will create a “no excuses” environment that will support your success all year long.
  • Register with a staffing agency.  If you want to broaden your job skills, explore a different career or gain valuable work experience, temporary work with PrideStaff can help you achieve these career goals in 2013.  While you’re on assignment, we can actively search for direct job opportunities that match your skills, experience and interests.Â