Top CEOs Do This 4-5 Times per Month

What is it?

Reading a book!

Unfortunately, the average American reads just one book a year. Even more disconcerting? 60% of them only get through the first chapter.

While there is no “hard and fast” recipe for professional success, business reading is an essential ingredient. Here’s why:

  • Reading reminds you – of what’s important; of principles you may have forgotten; of how much you still have to learn.
  • Reading challenges your thinking – exposing yourself to fresh perspectives may strengthen your own beliefs or help you approach problems differently.
  • Reading keeps you at the leading edge of your industry – allowing you to quickly acquire new knowledge, develop new skill sets (both hard and soft) and continually refine your current competencies.
  • Reading encourages meaningful interaction – providing countless opportunities for teaching, questioning, idea-sharing and collaboration in the workplace.

So, the question isn’t really if you should be reading, but how to get the most from the experience.

You don’t have to read dense business volumes in a single sitting to reap the professional benefits of reading, but you should be purposeful. Use these tips from PrideStaff to make the most of whatever you read:

  • Invest in an e-reader – it makes your reading material portable and organized.
  • Make time – many managers claim to be “too busy” to read; honestly, you can broaden your horizons by devoting just 15 minutes a day to the habit. It is January – why not make a resolution to read more?
  • Select from a variety of media – it’s natural to be overwhelmed by your choices: business books, historical works, periodicals, trade publications, industry journals, blogs, news portals, content published on social media…the list is staggering. Start small, sampling content from a variety of sources to find a balance that works for you.
  • Take notes – share them with your team! Make a list of important points to back-up your decisions, inspire action or even spark debates with your employees.

No matter your age, your position, your industry or your experience level, reading is an undisputedly powerful personal and professional growth tool. Join the ranks of our country’s most successful business leaders – by reading more, every day.

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Seeking talented, resourceful individuals with intense intellectual curiosity? Trust your search to PrideStaff. Whether your needs are entry-level or management, we can make your hiring process simpler and more successful.  Contact your local PrideStaff office today to learn more.