How to Make a Strong Impression Before Year-End Reviews

The end of the year is here, and the big question from your boss is coming:
“What have you achieved this year?”
You may have done a darn good job for your employer over the past 12 months, but you can’t assume your boss knows it. If your manager is like most, they’re focused on their own goals, accomplishments and priorities – so your performance review is your time to shine.
During your annual review, you have an opportunity to:
- show your boss all that you’ve achieved;
- discuss your job performance;
- revisit your goals;
- make plans and set goals for the coming year;
- ask for the things you want (assuming you’ve hit your targets for the year).
No matter what you’re aiming for – a raise, a promotion, professional development or maybe just a little more time off – make the most of your opportunity by preparing thoroughly. Use these tips from our national staffing and placement agency to be proactive and impress your manager:
- Find out what you’ll be evaluated on. If you’ve been provided with one, carefully review your evaluation form. And if your company doesn’t provide one, ask your boss what the review will include. Find out what matters to your manager and the company, so you can address those points during your meeting.
- Make a list of everything you’ve achieved. Use your calendar to recall your most ambitious projects and biggest achievements from the previous year, quantifying your results when possible. Don’t be afraid to shine a light on your accomplishments; if you found a way to improve processes, increase productivity or generate revenue, your review is the time to speak up!
- Ask customers (both internal and external) or clients for candid feedback about the service you provide. To grow, you need to know what you’re doing right and what you could improve upon. Summarize their comments and provide your boss with a few ways you could use the feedback to improve your performance.
- Create a wish list. Consider what you want to achieve in the coming year and brainstorm a few ways to get there. If you’ve exceeded your goals and believe you deserve a raise or promotion, come prepared to the meeting with an idea of what you want.
- Anticipate potential negatives. If you missed a goal, made a major mistake or had an issue with a co-worker or client:
- Note why the problem occurred.
- Prepare to explain what you learned from the mistake, and how you’ll prevent it from happening again.
- Do not shift blame to other employees.
And if you are surprised with negative feedback during the review, don’t automatically become defensive. Thank your manager and ask what they’d recommend to help you improve in that area.
- Develop suggestions for new goals. Consider what you’d like to tackle on the job in the coming year and what you want for your own professional development. Make a list of three or four annual goals that are measurable, challenging and in line with your long-term goals. Coming to your review with a list of potential objectives shows that you take your career development and the review process seriously and that you’re committed to improving your performance.
Not looking forward to your year-end review?
Maybe it’s time for a better job! With a range of assignments and jobs in administration, distribution, production, information technology, healthcare administration, accounting & finance and more, PrideStaff can help you confidentially search for an opportunity that fits your skills, interests and career goals. Contact the PrideStaff office in your area to find out more about great local job opportunities.