What’s Next? Preparing for the End of Your Temp Placement

You had a great time working on your assignment. But alas, all good things must come to an end.
So…what’s your next move?
Depending upon your situation, there are specific actions you should take as your assignment winds down. By being proactive and communicating effectively, you can get the most from your temping experience and achieve your goals:
If you would like to be placed on another assignment:
As soon as you know your assignment end-date, let your staffing coordinator know that you’ll be available for redeployment. The sooner your coordinator knows your availability, the sooner they can get to work on finding your next opportunity. This step is particularly important if you want to avoid gaps in employment and earn a steady paycheck.
You should also search jobs on your staffing agency’s job board. If you find a great opportunity you’d like to be considered for, follow your staffing firm’s procedures for applying.
If you are looking for a direct-hire position:
Be sure your staffing coordinator and your assignment supervisor know that you want a direct job. Most temporary and contract positions are designed to end at some point. So, if you want to be considered for a direct-hire position with the company where you’re on assignment, you should take it upon yourself to communicate your intentions regularly.
If you struggled with your assignment:
Your staffing coordinator wants you to enjoy your work as a field associate; it’s their job to place you in assignments that complement your skills, needs, personality and career goals. If, for some reason, you had a difficult time while on assignment, share your concerns with your coordinator. By providing constructive feedback, your coordinator can do a better job of presenting future opportunities that are a great fit.
General tips:
As you approach the end of your assignment, follow these best practices to maximize the value of your temping experience:
- Thank your assignment supervisor. Leave a great impression by thanking your manager for the opportunity to work there. Recap the things you learned and the high points of your assignment. By parting ways on professional terms, you build your network and improve your job prospects.
- Say goodbye to the people you worked with. Assignment co-workers can become valuable connections in your career network. You never know who will connect you with your next job, so be cordial when parting ways. If appropriate, connect with them on social media to keep in touch.
- Update your resume. With each new assignment, you’ll gain job skills and may take on new responsibilities. Add those to your resume while they’re fresh in your mind and be sure to forward the updated version to your staffing coordinator. This step will ensure you’re considered for higher-level assignments, and that your resume is ready to submit whenever an opportunity arises.
Looking for your next assignment or direct job?
PrideStaff can help! Contact the PrideStaff office in your area to find out more about great local job opportunities.