Becoming the CEO of You, Inc.

Want to climb the career ladder more quickly?
Give yourself an executive position – as the CEO of You, Inc.
Just like smart business owners build strategic plans for their short- and long-term development, you should take a proactive role in planning your own success. As the CEO of your career, you need to create a flexible, yet specific plan to get you from where you are now to where you want to be.
Today, PrideStaff explains how to run your career like a company – by creating a “strategic plan” for You, Inc.
Determine where you are.
Before you can set your course, you need to know where you’re starting from. Conduct a thorough self-analysis by answering the following questions:
- Am I happy in my current position? Why or why not?
- Who is impacted by my career choices (i.e., you alone, or a spouse/dependents as well)?
- Am I satisfied with my current level of authority? Would I like more or less control?
- Am I compensated fairly for my work? (Consider pay, benefits and non-compensation factors like flexible work schedules and/or telecommuting.)
- How well do I perform in my current role?
- What are my greatest professional strengths and weaknesses?
- Does my current position and/or employer offer me sufficient growth opportunities?
As you answer these questions, stay focused on the big picture. Don’t get bogged down by individual frustrations, constraints or conflicts. Just make sure you’re honest with yourself, accurately capturing what you like and dislike about your current work situation.
Determine your short- and long-term career goals.
Now that you have your starting point clarified, consider where you’d like to go. Use the following questions to guide your goal-setting:
- What does your ultimate job look like? If you were at your own retirement party, what job would you be retiring from?
- What do you value most from work – and what kind of job aligns with those values?
- What factors are non-negotiable for you? (For example, some people absolutely refuse to do any kind of sales work; others might be unable to travel due to family obligations).
- If you had your choice, what would be your ideal next career move?
- What are the biggest opportunities in your desired field, industry or job function?
- What are the biggest threats to long-term growth and success in your desired career? (Consider employment trends, industry trends and potential economic threats; you may want to do some research to learn more).
- Who are your potential “customers” (i.e., ideal employers)? What can you offer them that the competition can’t? This is where your personal inventory from step 1 will come in handy.
Create your strategic plan.
You know where you are. You’ve decided where you want to be. Now it’s time to map your course to achieve your goal! If it seems like a daunting proposition, relax. Take a deep breath. And break that big career goal into more manageable chunks with a sound action plan:
- Specify your overarching career goal. (e.g., become a CPA at a large accounting firm)
- Nail down objectives to support that goal. (e.g., finish my accounting degree)
- Create action items – specific “to do” items that help you accomplish objectives. (e.g., register for spring classes at my local college)
- Establish time frames. Work backward from your ultimate career goal to establish deadlines that will keep your progress on track.
Take Charge of Your Career.
If you want to climb the career ladder more quickly, PrideStaff can help. Our expert recruiters can help you assess your skills, interests and goals, and then present direct job opportunities that match your needs – and offer real growth potential. Search jobs or register with your local PrideStaff office.