Drop the Boring Routine and Start Excelling!
What’s another way to spell “boring”? R-O-U-T-I-N-E. When you work a typical 9-to-5 job, a certain amount of routine is necessary. After all, certain meetings…
Read MoreThe Watercooler Blog is full of workplace tips and trends related to employee retention, engagement, interviewing and more. The Watercooler is frequently refilled, so gather ‘round often.
What’s another way to spell “boring”? R-O-U-T-I-N-E. When you work a typical 9-to-5 job, a certain amount of routine is necessary. After all, certain meetings…
Read MoreThey take 20-minute “bathroom breaks.” They take shortcuts with their work (and, surprise, more winds up on your plate). They think hitting deadlines is a…
Read MoreTake a look around your company. Are your employees inspired to greatness? Do you embrace calculated risk? Are teams and individuals incentivized for challenging the…
Read MoreDo your employees perform like they were plucked from a gleaming display at Nordstrom… …or more like they were dug out of the clearance bin…
Read MoreWant to join the ranks of the Zuckerbergs, Trumps and Winfreys of the world? Just start your own billion-dollar business. Simple, right? Well maybe not….
Read MoreFocused on “fixing” your employees? Whether it’s due to human nature or ineffective practices, managers typically spend the majority of their time helping employees to…
Read MoreMillennials not applying to your job postings for machinists, welders, carpenters or construction workers? It’s no surprise. Skilled-trades positions are suffering from a bit of…
Read MoreWant employees to waste more time? Accomplish less – every day? Of course not. As a manager, it’s your job to set up your staff…
Read MoreHearing a lot of griping, moaning and whining from your employees? It must be mandatory training time. Everyone knows that training is essential to continual…
Read MoreThink your resume has to be filled with buzzwords and extreme language to cut through the clutter? You’ve been given some bad advice. When you’re…
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